Jewett-Pearl Reunions 1961 and 1962

Who said our forefathers & foremothers did not have a sense of humor!

Secretary’s notes 1961: “The twenty-third annual Jewett Family Reunion was held at “Our Acre”, Hampton; the home of Jos. and Evelyn Estabrooks on Sunday, August 20th with a picnic dinner served at 1:00 PM.

“A surprise feature after the dinner was a birthday cake provided by Marion Emmons for Jos. Estabrooks, Pearl and Philip Scarpino whose birthdays all occur on August 24th.

“While the children played games in the front yard, our president Viola J. Clapp called the meeting to order. The secretary’s report was read and approved. The treasurer’s report was also read and approved.

“The next item of business was the election of officers for the next two year period. Viola J. Clapp, President and Carl Jewett, Vice President were re-elected. The incumbent Secretary & Treasurer declined the honor, however; so the President requested various members on the distaff side of the family to take the job. It appeared though that all of the girls already had more work than they could handle, so ye scribe volunteered to try it, thus completing the slate of officers.

“Either because your Secretary was new at the job, or because your President was exhausted after trying to pick a new Secretary, there is nothing in the record indicating that any committees were named for the next year. However, the Secretary is of the opinion that it was more or less left to the President to pick committees and a location for the next reunion at a later date.

“The meeting adjourned at approximately 2:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ulmer M. Jewett, Secretary. There were 61 in attendance.”


 Secretary’s notes 1962: “The twenty-fourth annual Jewett Family Reunion was again held at the home of Jos. & Evelyn Estabrooks on Sunday, July 29th at Hampton, Conn. The clan began to gather shortly after 12:00 noon, and before the day was over, some 51 members had put in their appearance.

 “The first matter to be taken care of was pictures by a staff photographer, the most publicized being one of Mary Jewett holding Kevin Pearl. This was of the oldest and youngest member in attendance.

 “A bounteous collection of food having arrived, a buffet dinner was served at 1:20 P.M., preceded by the saying of Grace by Annie Edmonds.

 “Near the end of the dinner period, a large triple decker layer cake appeared from out of the no-where and was placed in front of Madam President. With the arrival of the cake, an original poem written by Evelyn Estabrook s and read by Bertha Greer, indicated that this was the 15th wedding anniversary of the Leon Clapp’s. At about this time, Susan Griggs appeared with a large cake with “Jewett Reunion” spelled out on it. From this point on we became an assembly of cake eaters.

 “The meeting was finally called to order and the Secretary’s report was read and approved. The treasurer’s report was next read and approved. While the treasurer was counting the collection and striking a new balance, the President read the minutes of the 1st Jewett Reunion held in 1935. A show of hands indicated that there were 20 present today who had been at the first reunion.

 “A rising vote of thanks was given to Evelyn & Jos Estabrooks for having us with them again. It was then suggested that our 25th reunion next year be held at the Elmer C. Jewett homestead at Clarks Corner, where the 1st one was held. The present occupant, Faun Jewett Gordon being agreeable, all present were in favor of this location.

 “Members were again requested to report all births, marriages and deaths to our historian, Susan Griggs in Abington.

 “The meeting adjourned at approximately 3:30 P.M. and was followed by a social hour and more cake. Respectfully submitted, Ulmer M. Jewett, Secretary”